The Mirror Child

by Normal is the Watchword   Feb 10, 2009

Tilting, gently, the edge of the fragmented glass, the tip scraping flecks of skin, she slid it within the base of her pocket. Momentarily. Briefly. Moving her arms against her body, strands of light hair fell before her lowered eyes, brushing against her neck. Gently. Still. Turning, she kneeled against the ground, the torn piece of her pants sinking within the Earth. Her fingertips running the length of the grass pricking against her palm.

Tracing. Slightly. Glancing upward, sunlight filtered through the gathering clouds, reflecting, a lil', from the marble she rested against. Drawing her knees against her chest, she placed her head on her arms, biting her lower lip, her teeth imprinting tiny marks within her. Sinking. Sliding, partially, down the stone, she tucked the strand of hair from where it lay against her pale face. The color fading from her body.

Quietly. Withdrawing the shard, she noticed, startled, the speck of blood traveling against the surface. A droplet. Nothing. Wiping her hand against the material of her clothing, she forced herself to rise to her feet, nearly falling behind herself as she turned, her hands sliding within the depths of her jeans pockets.

Breathing irregulary, she whispered, more to herself, "I am you..." Setting the fragment beneath the engravement, she saw her reflection for the space of a moment until it, as well, disappeared with her footsteps.

Placing her palm against the slightly rounded bump against her stomach, she turned on her heel, a bit, her eyes falling from the stone grave. And, she reminded herself, silently, our future is unwritten against the stone.


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  • 16 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    This is a powerful piece, i really loved this pattern of writing, it makes it so very exciting though the theme was sad.
    Really loved it.

    all the best and take care

  • 16 years ago

    by Cindy

    You have written a very sad piece here. But in the end there is hope.
    Great job!
    Love Cindy

  • 16 years ago

    by Hollymariee

    This poem is very powerful . The meaning is amazing , and the imagery of your words is really fantastic . This gave me goose bumps . Since it doesn't rhyme or really have a flow to it , there's nothing I can critique you on . You used a vast vocabulary , and I think thats what makes the beauty in poems like these . Well done , 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    As I have said before that I have a tendency to read more into a poem and sometimes see things that aren't there. But this poem found me thinking of a young girl wanting to rid her life. She is in a graveyard mounted against a stone trying to take her life and becomes utterly frustrated that only a droplet of blood became of her efforts. She realizes that the life growing inside her is something worth fighting for but doesn't want to continue on without her love. This was truly a deep and emotional piece. I enjoyed the story within and the message. Though we may hurt from pains of the past and although a loved one we may have lost we have to move on for the ones we leave behind. Sometimes we have to be the strength behind our loved ones. Your poem portrays the strength even through the sadness. Excellent Job and glad to see you writing again.

  • 16 years ago

    by Twisted Heart

    That was really quite beautiful. The words and the depth of their meaning brought a bit of sadness to the mind. Loved the ending stanza.

    Well done.
