Comments : Broken Trust

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    It does not always have to be this way, dear friend.
    I was abused very badly from age 8 approximately until the day I left home and I never raised a finger to my son. And he is a very difficult child indeed at times! I always remembered how it felt, the verbal abuse was even more painful than the beatings... never wanted my boy to feel that kind of pain.

    A beautiful poem, will cause a lot of perpetors readingi t to take a good look at themselves:)

    *hugs dear lady*

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 16 years ago

    by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash

    Sylvia another excellent poem from you , and one with a strong sound message too.
    I like how this poem is an outcry for the down trodden, well done


  • 16 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Sylvia this is so very sad.

    Children do learn from day 1 and if their cries result in punishment, then they will be silent. If only these 'blinkered' parents could see that love will also have a similar effect, a baby who knows s/he is loved and feels secure in that will be relatively quiet, choosing only to cry if s/he actually needs something.

    It is terrible that some people can actually be allowed the responsibility to bring a new life into this world, when they can't even look after themselves. You are quite right when you mention the 'cycle of abuse' I can hear it now "well a good smack never hurt me!' well it did and it does. I know so many parents that scream throughout every day at their children to do as they say, the funny thing is that the children don't hear the tone, nor do they respect it, or the words, because even they know it is disrespectful and so they learn to disrespect and so we have another generation of abusers who don't respect anyone, least of all themselves.

    The victims are the children and babies who die through the severe abuse they suffer at the hands of adults who have no respect or self-control.

    Sylvia, well done on writing this. It has filled me with emotion because I was a child who suffered abuse at the hands of my parents. Did it affect me? Yes, and I am still at the age of 39 trying to put back the pieces. I am lucky though because I have self- awareness and that enables me to see that everyone deserves to be respected and that includes me. I have a son and he knows that he has my unconditional love and it is a love that is balanced and unwavering. This particular cycle of abuse has stopped with me.

    Take care


  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    "So young yet so wise, broken trust."

    ^^ this line itself screams so much... painful... and heartfelt... the terror in which these little hearts live... the pain inflicted on them ... well penned...

    "The cycle of abuse continues through these children.
    They are the next abusers through no fault of their own. "

    ^^ I pray this would stop...

    very touching write..