Each Day Hurts

by Sugar   Feb 10, 2009

Each day that I see you greet me
Each day I break my heart
Whenever the truth my eyes see
That you have loved me from the start

As you step forward calling my name
Part I pretend I haven't heard
I avoid to do back at you the same
While my joy flew away like a bird

Don't you get tired of convincing me?
From telling what you feel
The love that you've always wanted me to see
It happened yet I have kept it seal

This is one thing I just can say
I am afraid that I'll be loosing you
In spite of all the attentions I don't pay
I'm afraid that I have learned to love you

I am scared to confess all of this
It might not be the perfect time or place
My conscience keeps on its tease
I would just ignore what it says

And so pain arrives my heart each day
For the fact that each day I lie
Maybe in time to you my heart I lay
In time to you my love I'll try


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  • 16 years ago

    by The Queen

    Flows perfectly and ryhmed with ease dindt seem by force. I loved as well how you used some methapors in your poem. I would suggest if time comes for you to tell the truth, this piece would be a good start to say whats your true feelings. Good Job.

  • 16 years ago

    by timehealsallwounds6

    I really like this one. good work.