To Hate is To Love

by SashaMirage   Feb 10, 2009

A soft breeze blows a strand of hair upon your cheek
The look of amusement in your eyes renders me weak
Please tell me what I did to make you hurt me this way
The sun disappears behind grey clouds darkening my day

Hatred is a feeling that cannot easily be described
Adrenaline pumps through my veins refusing to subside
It's the calm before the storm and then the hurricane
The realization of knowing you gave your heart in vain

The rush that keeps me going until I forget your name
I give my solemn swear to one day beat you at this game
Let the rain fall upon me, let me drown in broken trust
Let the lighting strike me down and turn my love to dust


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  • 16 years ago

    by iFallToPieces

    Wow, this was a wonderfully written poem, the words were so powerful and just every word just sucked me in and made me want to read it more.

    Wonderful work

  • 16 years ago

    by Heba

    OMG Sasha...It a wonderful piece and really touching...But,you know there are many people in this world don't understand the meaning of love and sacrifice that show them coz they are poeple with cold sis you should be storng to get over this and am sure that Allah will lead you to happiness and true love soon.Inshallah...

    excellent sis..5\5...sorry my comment came so late...

  • 16 years ago

    by Nee

    I loved your wording was so simple with very meaningful lines.
    I really liked the simplicity in this piece..and the broken heart you portrayed here, it was just so amazing.
    When reading a poem like this I come to think that every man or woman who broke his/her partner's heart is just worthless and writing poems for him/her would be such a waste of time to the poet..Because you're awesome, you should know that anyone who breaks your heart doesn't need any poems written about this.

    Hatred is a feeling that cannot easily be described
    Adrenaline pumps through my veins refusing to subside
    It's the calm before the storm and then the hurricane
    The realization of knowing you gave your heart in vain

    This stanza was such a lovely read, I so much liked the last two lines, very expressive.
    Sasha you did a great job on this poem.
    I want you to try using new words, your vocab is simple..just try to strengthen your poems with new wording.

    Loved that
    Write on hunnie

  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    "Hatred is a feeling that cannot easily be described
    Adrenaline pumps through my veins refusing to subsideIt's the calm before the storm and then the hurricane
    The realization of knowing you gave your heart in vain"

    ^^ here you have wonderfully described how hate is felt... the frustration of being betrayed... the anger... the anguish ...
    well written...

    "Please tell me what I did to make you hurt me this way
    The sun disappears behind grey clouds darkening my day"

    ^^ I felt both the lines are portraying the same feeling... the imagery is beautiful... the last line itself is enough to explain ...

    "Let the rain fall upon me, let me drown in broken trust
    Let the lighting strike me down and turn my love to dust "

    ^^ beautiful lines though very heartfelt ... love the imagery ...

  • 16 years ago

    by Mister 47

    It is known after a ll this time adn between love and hate in the lvoe game there is a little hair. no one know the difrence , and sometimes, we want jsut to throw our love ones from a cliff from much we hate them , and then rush to the bottom to catch them so they dont get hurt .

    love is a dangerous thing to have . we alwasy blame love for not giving us what we want or for hurting us. actualy there is 1 love feeling but in the hands of not true lovers , it become a disaster and hurt you both.

    i beleve in this life there is pepole made to be together. and there is pepole that lose there chances ..

    seeing the day dark , or sad, thinking of suicide is just the path you need to fall in it to the depest part of the valey , before you get up again and rise over these hurts and hold your scar soo everytime you look at it , you know what happen....

    you are not the only one nor the last one dear to face this feelings , we have all specialy me , i walked that path more then 10 times,... soo , i know the feeling by heart..

    courage and om me anytime you need to talk about it ..

    the poem was short. and very smooth to read and understand . you have my vote
