An unworthy king

by Ingrid   Feb 10, 2009

An unworthy King

Upon the dry cracked earth
a lonely castle stands
Draped with multicolored veils
concealing decay
From high upon the tower
a sickening, cackling laughter arises
Intoxicating fumes augment as evening falls
Poisoned arrows are cast
hitting their targets unseen
as they fly through open windows
of unsuspecting villagers
releasing destructive load
that will eventually
wipe out all

as they bow
as they bow

to an unworthy king


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  • 9 years ago


    Powerful dark words here Ingrid! Deep writing you have penned, but an intriging piece of work.
    I liked it.

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Wow the words were very powerful.. I was trying to soak in every word.. I was really impressed with this piece.. you did a great job the word choice fit the mood perfectly.


  • 16 years ago

    by Sylvia

    You can feel the darkness as you read. I sort of get the feeling when reading "that all is not what is seems to be, hidden behind beautiful veils to fool people to worship and unworthy king. Good job. 5/5