If I could find a better way to deal
I know that I would
Instead of laying around
In a world of paranoia and worry
But you keep shining the big bright light in
My face
I can't take it anymore
I have to close my eyes
To block out the visions you continue to
Show me
They're like hints at unhappiness
I've layed awake in numerous boughts of darkness
My monster switching from one state
To the next
Hoping that none of the visions come true
No way to tell
You have assuring tones
And I put my trust in you
But there's no way to know
If it's been broken
I have to keep believing
Or try anyhow
To keep my cool
To keep my balance
My equilibrium
Of thought and reason
Circles of water well up when it gets to be
Too much
My insides hurt
My head
But I want to be
For the compassion
Bound to your presence in my mind
Is immense in size
The beating of my core muscle
Because to me
You're it
There's no need for my past to
It can stay as just that
The Past
But of the things you think about
The past is it
(For people anyway)
You have plans for the future
And your life ahead
But for people
Always past-tense
Wishing what is past would still be present
As for me
To ask for something to happen again is
To ask for a second chance at something meant to be
What happened is what happened
It will not change
But for now I will continue
For it is at present what I truly want
And I feel its something I honestly can't
Give up