What should ii do?

by justl0veme   Feb 11, 2009

Ii love hiim
but ii kno he loves her
[&] he loves meh more than her
but that isnt enuff
but ii kno he's the one
ii cant change who he is and who he wants
but 4 sum reason it hurts
hurts to core of my heart
breathing, thinking of yuh and her
ii kno yuh didnt break any rules
but y her?
only if yuh knew she was tearing us apart
ii thought to juss let yuh go
but i cant even get around to itt
what a coward ive become
theres plenty more fish in the sea
but im compelled to this one
who roams it not looking for meh
if ii let yuh go the hurt will be even more than what ii can handle...
and iif ii dont ii continue to feel what i do now
wat a fool of meh
ii should have let yuh go when i had the chance
but now itts to deep for iit to end
my heart needs to heal
and yur the only one that can do the job
as these tears fall from these eyes
ii cant belive yuh made meh cry
yuh have to belive im the girl yuh need
and yur the boy ii need
we can make this work iif yuh try
ii kno they said luv would be hard
but ii still dont kno iif yur worth fighting for
should ii end my battle
and continue my search
or keep on fighting and be prepared for more hurt?
only iif yuh knew that yur my betta half
without yuh..i dont and never will feel whole
but yet and still im trying to let yuh go..
what should ii do?


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  • 15 years ago

    by ram pratap

    Do nothing. let it happen easilly. nothing will happen unfortunate. as HE knows ,what is the best for you.

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Love is very confusing, written well. 5/5. Em

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