Walking Away

by Donna   Feb 11, 2009

Walking away,
Trying to forget.
The life I'm leaving,
Is all a regret.

Not speaking out,
Not telling the truth.
Not letting them know,
Hiding all the proof.

The cuts, the bruises,
The things he did.
Lies and secrets,
Forever to be hid.

Why did he do it,
I wish i knew.
Why couldn't he be normal,
And do what other dads do.

He ruined my life,
Everything i had.
My past, present and future,
I hope he's glad.

So I'm walking away,
Leaving my life behind.
Going towards the light,
Who knows what I'll find.

Please vote and comment, i will return the favour. I t would be very much appreciated. Thanks


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  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    Wow...this was like a story. It was so powerful and was bursting with emotions. Very vivid as well. Keep it up. You have a good talent. Shanik

  • 15 years ago

    by XoXBeautifully BrokenXoX

    Heyy this is great, i loved it 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Maria

    Did this realy happen ?

    I love the poem <3

  • 16 years ago

    by Aveena

    Hm its sounds iight has a nice flow to it
    the poem kinda surpised me that.
    good job.