Comments : Echoed Cradle Cries (Senryu)

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    I know Michael:(

    *hugs you tight*

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    So beautifully portrayed ... child abuse is indeed very horrible crime ... from your write I could visualze the pain of the child and its psychological effect ... very heartfelt write...

  • 16 years ago

    by The Prince

    Man, you do these so well, I tried to do one yesterday, and it ended up as a 5 stanza poem instead. I just can't say as much in 17 syllables as you.

    'Tears roll silently'

    The contrast between roll, and silently creates an ambigious image in my head, of a still image, a small boy trying not to make a whimper or sound in case the abuser hears him. He's scared out of his mind. This is excellent, and saddening imagery.

    'as slapped skin pulsates with pain '

    Slapped skin, again, you make good use of sibilance, and that raw, horrid sound that a slap makes, instead of the dull thud that a punch makes. From the silence of the first line, comes the sharp onomatopoeia of 'slapped', that's quite shocking. 'Pulsates' also gives life to the event, the word choice is careful. I admire this.

    'Silhouette strikes son'

    Again, that sibilance strikes the reader, the same as the 'silhouette', which sounds better than shadow, it's more...ghastly than shadow, which has become quite cliche in itself. Like the son is not expecting it, and when he receives it, it's out of the blue. Almost too quick to see. It's a saddening and brutal piece, and you've penned it perfectly.

  • 16 years ago

    by Sylvia

    There is not much I can add to the other comments. Bravo for an excellent write with a very strong message. All abuse should be stopped. Good job. 5/5