
by Ingrid   Feb 12, 2009

Will you, in some far distant future
think back upon me, my love?
Remembering how I once loved you
with all I had in me
And looking back
for the first time see clearly
how deeply I must have loved you
In the countless verses
I dedicated to you
Showing so clearly
for all the world to see
the depth of my devotion
to you


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  • 9 years ago


    Another Love poem from the heart from the pen of Ingrid. You have a real talent for writing these poems!
    Love huh? It's kept the world in its spell since mankind began! Keep writing these poems!

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Definatly memories of the past remain in your mind and you wonder if they'll ever look back and think of you again, the way you loved them, ect. Well done, I definatly can see where youre coming through with this poem.. and you did a great job expressing it with such few words.


  • 16 years ago

    by ragib

    Well done, its so pure.. I like it,, keep writing.. Ü

  • 16 years ago

    by Katherine

    It's a poem where you have a chance to question someone you use to love. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy


    We all have memories, some we choose to remember and others we don't. The truth is that our memories are what make us who we are, so if we only remember the bad ones we will tend to reflect that fact in out character and visa versa.
    Here I see that you are writing about a person very dear to you. It also seem that they may have pushed this all conforting love back so many times that now only time will tell if they ever remember. The question is this, will they remember when this love is gone?

    Ingrid, I would be inclined to finish this piece with a 'will you' question, I feel it would leave an echo with the reader, much a memory. Just an idea. :)

    ((hugs)) xx