
by Charlesrhice   Feb 12, 2009


A golfer is potting on the greens. His first pot is north for 10 meters. His Second attempt at potting is south of west at Two meters and 25 degrees left of center field. His final pot travels east of south at half a meter and sixty degrees to the potting hole. What is the distance traveled by the potting ball the magnitude and the direction of the overall Darwinian assessment. Who cares is it a Birthday with Cake? This is mye rendition of Darwins Beagle. Woof woofer woof woof weoof. Weooeeooof. Beouf. Let them eat cake. Let Beagle eat beef. Or Alpo in a can let him out. Let him run and try to get away from that Beagle in the way. February 12, 2009 Author: charlax7 Happy Birthday Darwin Happy Birthday Darwin
Monkey´s See Monkey´s Do Not
The monkeys and the addresses
Placing 100 monkeys inside the computer room and letting them type the sound of the keyboards is deafening making a poor noise of institutionalistical importance. The professor killed himself he overdosed on his banana he gagged his throat and died. They did not type the Gettysburg address they typed and typed and this is what they typed they made it gibberish there is nothing much a monkey types that a poet can ever use.
copy and past
My coffee is a conglomerate no chocolate bytes just dark with just one Cremer a coke eye add for later no ice. Activity will include a attempt at winning a prize eye have decided to abstain from the contest eye suppose in a bizarre effort to let a student win they mostly need it the funding get it eye hope is goes for TopRaman® and not four beers. MONKEY�s love each other they groom each other�s fur or hair is what that is they have this monkey�s hair its fur all over them."I would have to say that the belief in evolution is in a state of terminal illness but its death will only be admitted by a new generation of scientists whose minds have not been prejudiced by the type of education now prevalent in the nation's public schools, an education which starts with the belief that evolution has happened, which interprets all evidence according to that faith and which simply discards any evidence which cannot be fitted into the evolutionary frameworkEVERYTHING that moves on the computor is on the internet. The computor does not operate off line there just is not a function for a no legged beast to find unless it is the ether zone that funds it. Check again on program funding. Finally as eye twist this CharlaX ending eye have to abstain from Darwinism as mye religion as eye still believes in Jesus. The in favor of the Creator and not to worship his creation or his creatures poor old man as poet syndrome near the Astrodome of Sports no differant rally than the old Roman Arena or Greek Display of Dearth with love. Tell them CharlaX said this with a smile on this day of the Darweenian Thursday Charles Birthday February 12, 2009. Quote�Prose is still Poetry� ed.note.ed. Ta Ta.


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