The little things

by Ingrid   Feb 12, 2009

No expensive gifts
nor pompous aubade
could match
that tiny note, left in a rush
So infinitely precious:
"I love you"
Just to show
how much you care
and think of me


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  • 9 years ago


    What a well penned Love poem Ingrid. So few words, but packs a powerful emotional punch.
    Nice piece of work Ingrid.
    I like it!

  • 16 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Ingrid my dear, thank you for steering me in the direction of this little gem. I have read it and I enjoyed it, but I realise that the only true way of learning about the poems meaning and the writer is to really read it and comment. This I will do now..

    On the surface it says to me that not all gifts that are special are paid for with gold. It could also mean God's creatures, the ones that we cannot see, or don't want or wish to see; this could be from unsightly insects, to poor children in the third world, who we all choose to pretend do not exist ..but they do! Anyway, as usual I am straying and I know that the only way to find out for sure your meaning is to read on..

    Line 1:
    Bingo! No amount of money can buy what really matters. Here you launch the reader in at the deep end, almost like grabbing their jackets and speaking this close to their faces so that they hear this loud and clear.

    I like the word choice of 'nor' I often use or, but 'nor' lends this piece quality, well it does for me. Pompous, another good word, meaning pretentious, snobbish..basically all show and no meaning. Aubade, Ingrid, you really are showing of here..he he. A musical composition or poem played at dawn. These two word contradict one another, so in this context make them collectively more potent, a portentous song/ poem..interesting to think of this whilst read in a poem..hmm?

    On its own 'Could match' gives the reader time to think about the possibilities ahead. It is clear that this pompous gift is about to compared to what I presume is a 'little thing' Lets see..

    Line 4:
    A note: specifically, a tiny note. Using the word 'tiny' makes the note's face value appear worthless, especially when the writer of such a note just leat it, probably on there way out of the after thought, but that depends on the reader, doesn't it?

    Line 5:
    Again, clever use of descriptive words, infinitely precious, suggests something condensed, squeezed into the smallest of spaces, making it fragile and so more precious.

    Line 6:
    Three words, so easily said as a thrown away gesture, but when meant deeply and sincerely, those words hold the power to move the universe and to bring immeasurable happiness when read, again and again..

    Line 7:
    Three words left as an eternal reminder of their affection for the person intended. Such words don't just show anything, they symbolise the deepest of emotions, a one on one love, uncomplicated and most definitely real. This is what is shown when it is known.

    Line 8:
    Nurture is part of love, caring that someone is well, wanting them to be healthy in every way. But why? Well we are all selfish to a lesser or greater degree, so nurturing those we love ensures that they will be there for us for as long as possible. We care because we want them to be with us always.

    Line 9:
    Love is most magical, it ensures that the person of their desire is permanently etched in memories, from the front to the back of the mind; every little thing will remind that person of their love, a smell, a colour, sound..etc

    Line 10:
    One word meaning, eternally. This allows love to be secure because it will be a constant, so something dependable and reliable. With this kind of dependable love a person can thrive and thrive on such a wondrous gift, a gift that can't be bought, no, it has to be given freely and without payment.

    Ingrid, this is indeed more that it suggested on its surface, much like love really, well, love that is real, love for a child perhaps?


    Michael xx

  • 16 years ago

    by Cara

    The little things mean the most, when they are said from a truthful heart. I love you, can mean the world if its said with meaning. Your poem was a very sweet little write and i enjoyed it. Really simple, but really well done.

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    "I love you" is a phrase that should mean more than anything else.. a sweet note like that in a gift to someone you love.. what could be more perfect? I cant think of anything. Short poem but another poem full of love and sweetness.


  • 16 years ago

    by NoUr

    Exactly, arent we weird :D we keep dreaming of really cute expensive gifts:D but just when they say
    "i love you" or even write means the world for us and we no more want any gifts :D...
    ofcourse it is enough specially when they mean it...