Isn't Life Significant?

by Kelsy   Feb 13, 2009

Every second is our past

We live through it
We can't go back

But so many don't see it as that
They see past as only long ago
As only periods of time where something significant has happened
But every second

Someone breathes
Someone blinks
Someone moves
Someone moans
Someone dances
Or sings
Or even
Someone just sits and thinks
They live


Isn't life significant?

It may not be in the text books
It may not be taught in establishments for learning

But every second passed is our past

Copyright 2009 K. Lewin


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  • 16 years ago

    by Hatori

    I'm glad you were able to put in fluent words an idea that's ignored by everyone lately. We all need to understand how every second is significant. Something I'll admit even I've been forgetting lately... but anyways, I particularly like these lines:

    It may not be in the text books
    It may not be taught in establishments for learning

    It's so very true. Not all the answers are in a textbook or can be taught. Exactly as you stated.

    So overall, I thank you for opening my eyes once more and this is a lovely write ^_^ 5/5

    --- Hari