Why dont you listen???

by Marissa Anne   Feb 14, 2009

Why dont you listen, you are great
you are the one i want to date
you are so caring and nice
i love it when you give me advice
but just stop talking right now and listen to me
you treat me right and never let me down, and i plee
please dont listen to anything else than what i say today
because baby all that maters is that u treated me in a great caring way......
that i wont ever forget because baby it was the best ever.......
i have never been treated this way not in forever
but then you came along and helped me forget
all the wrong doings that were done to me and when we met
you took my breath away and made me smile
you made me forget my sadness for a great while
and i never want to lose you
because you've made me so happy and i knew
that you could be the one to fix me whenever i was broken
with your words that healed my heart that were all unspoken
you are the best and dont ever think diffrent please
to my heart best friend or girlfriend you have the keys


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  • 16 years ago

    by Colby

    I really like this. Its a great piece of work.. keep it up

    Colby Levesque