Images of you running through my head,
haunting me in my mid sleep.
can't quite reach to that rem stage,
can't quite reach to that state of dream.
its like being waken every time I almost hit that stage of actual sleep
which leads to
incomplete thoughts,
a fast paced brain flow
of unfinished scenarios.
my brain is running on some sort of natural caffeine
and refuses to shut down tonight,
keeps running like the energizer bunny
as I feel all the brain activity that keeps me awake.
shut down brain, shut down.
I need my sleep.
eyelids feeling slightly heavy now
so i'll try and close my eyes for the 100th time
and see if I see you in my sleep tonight,
but i'll probably be awake in about an hour
and pick up this phone
that brings me back to this keyboard
writing about how there's no dream of you tonight
because there was no sleep
to conjure it up