Comments : 2nd best

  • 16 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Let something go and if it comes back it was meant to be and if it does'nt comeback
    hunt it down and shoot it. you forgot that last part. I don't know nicole waiting around
    just to be second place. you are way better
    than that. cause second place is just a first place loser. see how good your poems are
    first of all i hate love poems but i will always
    read anything you put up I am def. a fan
    of your work. find a way to love yourself
    or no one else will. think about that would you like to hang out with you???? I know
    its a old saying but it makes sence BE a
    friend you would want a friend to be.

  • 16 years ago

    by XoXoBriannaoXoX

    This just happend to me
    a whole year and a half..
    and he dumped me for his ex..
    who he claimed he was over but i guess
    he never really was..
    && im always put second best...
    i love this because i can relate!!!

  • 15 years ago

    by AnCi

    I love this poem, especially this part:
    "I was never thin enough, graceful or pretty.
    I wasnt smart enough, classy or very witty."
    Although I know it's hard you should not think this way.. The right guy will love every bit of you inside and out.. This guy just didn't know how to aprretiate what he had.. I think you are worth so much more!