Spending a Lifetime with You

by Ayumi   Feb 15, 2009

Once there was one, and now we are two
But one of us thinks this is not true
To be put together is what I really hope
Because all this while I can't seem to cope

To spend a lifetime with you
That is such a dream
Your words, your love, and your presence too
I miss them to the extreme

How I want to be back together
With our ten fingers laced
How I want to be with you forever
So that our love will never be erased

I want to feel my heart's rapid beat
When you come into my sight
I want to jump for joy when we finally meet
And hug you with all my might

I want you to love me
Because I love you so much
This break up is not meant to be
This cannot be the final touch

I will want to tell my children
When they ask me something sudden
"Who was your first love, mother?"
I don't want to pull out photographs
I will just have to point to you
And tell them,

"Darlings, this is the example of love so true."


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  • 16 years ago

    by Stephanie

    This is my favorite of all time!!!!!