Always Here

by Loverinpeace   Feb 15, 2009

Every time I come over
You can always cry on my shoulder
Whenever you need me thats just fine
I'm here for you all the time
I know your heart has been broken
By things men have spoken
And I want to make it clear
That I'm gonna always be here
Whatever you need
I'll be there with lightning speed
Whenever your down
I'll be there to pick you up off the ground
I can't just look the other way
While you are hurt everyday
So lift your head up high
Cause I'm one person that won't say goodbye
Whenever you have sorrow
My voice is here to borrow
You can always hold my hand
The pain you feel I can understand


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  • 16 years ago

    by Em

    I think it's a cute poem with good flow.
    keep it up!