Endless Thoughts of Doubt

by Jordan W   Feb 16, 2009

Second thoughts?
My mind is an eternal loop of doubts and questions
Is she really for me?
Is she really all I want?
Am I truly good enough?
Is my heart enough for her?
Can I possibly love?
So many questions always buzzing in my head
Every kiss,
Every touch,
Every glance,
They still my thoughts
Our lips tenderly touch and I have my answers
My arms wrap about you and my hearts questioning stills
My eyes touch yours and my innumerable queries are given response to
Yet shortly after leaving your presence
My perpetual sorrow returns
My dark as night depression encloses around my mind once more
Locking tight all my reason
Tossing aside the last of my sanity
And into my abysmal pit I fall
To wonder once again
To question once more
To quest out with my heart as I always do
These walls in my head
Built up because of countless sorrows
Can only be pierced by a love true and pure
She sheds light on this demons heart
She gives life to this angel with wings of black and halo of flame
She grounds my thoughts
And saves me from myself
This woman I hold here and now
She is the one...
That I truly love.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    I liked this poem, I like when poems ask questions, it makes the reader think and ponder on the outcome of the poem. Well written, keep up the great work.

    Peace, Joe