My Cyber Angel

by Silent Screams   Feb 17, 2009

Mother, dear mother,
Do I hate you so.
You have no idea how
Your words cut deep like dough.

I don't care if he's dangerous
Or if he's too old!
I'm forgetting how i lived my life
Brought up by what's been told.

He's saved my soul
My heart, my life
From spells of death and dying
Of razors and of knives.

He's become so much more
Then someone I just love,
He's an angel watching over me
From so high above.

So what if we met online,
Or If he's a few states away?
So what if I talk to him,
Each and every day.

He's saved me more times
Then I could ever recall.
From the hurt, From the suffering,
From the horrid names I was called.

I was in too deep
And then he swooped down.
He picked me up, opened my eyes
Made me smile whenever I wore a frown.

And I don't care what she says,
It's Been Five Years.
And No matter how long I have to wait,
You're the only one I want, My Dear.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Aureus Argentum

    You make your cyber angel sound like our Savior. That's not supposed to be a joke. :) I really liked this poem. You're right about your mother, she shouldn't be able to tell you who you should and should not talk to. But sometimes that's best. Have you heard of the girl who got kidnapped and murdered because she gave away details about herself to an older man? You have no idea how much insight people can get on you with just your name and where you live.

    Anyway, this poem was lovely. :) I enjoyed it very much. 5/5!


  • 16 years ago

    by Katie

    Very nice ending 5/5 and thanks for ur comment on mine

  • 16 years ago

    by CanUKissAwayMyPain

    Awwww... this is so sweet. i have also a cyber angel more then an angel to me. i love the poem from beginng to end. truly an amazing piece. the flow was great. your words were prefect. what else can i say then you did amazing here.

    TaKE CaRe,

  • 16 years ago

    by Katie

    Very good even tho it isnt finished. i met my bf on a game on the internet too and ive been with him for over a year now so dont let ur moms words hurt u =]