Courage, Uncorked.

by ghosts in bloom   Feb 17, 2009

I am buoyancy bottled,
Folded and swallowed,
Carried atop the backs of lovers,
Bowed from the burden of distance,
And the miscarriage of lasting romance.

Hope fizzes within fine glass,
Tear stained, crass, and delicate,
Wrestling against the currents of wind,
That trudge their way across the spines,
Of those lost souls tickled by my absence.

...But I refuse to leave them alone.

My glossy grip tightens,
They slip, then I enlighten,
Together we will rise and fall with dignity,
Clawing against the pre-determined rights,
Casting down imaginations, building bridges.

...I refuse to leave them alone.

For what does space create,
But a relapse in our faith?

February 17th, 2009
copyright Novalyn Grace RRL


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  • Good work you know how to make your poems good keep it up

  • 16 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    "I am buoyancy bottled,
    Folded and swallowed,
    Carried atop the backs of lovers,
    Bowed from the burden of distance,
    And the miscarriage of lasting romance. "

    ^^What a truly beautiful opening..the emotion and depth within these opening lines is incredible, and instantly pulls me into the piece and I can't wait to read more.

    "Hope fizzes within fine glass,
    Tear stained, crass, and delicate,
    Wrestling against the currents of wind,
    That trudge their way across the spines,
    Of those lost souls tickled by my absence. "

    ^^I frikken adore the imagery within this stanza, it's so beautifully detailed and vivid hat it's almost like I can -see- everything that you're describing.

    "My glossy grip tightens,
    They slip, then I enlighten,
    Together we will rise and fall with dignity,
    Clawing against the pre-determined rights,
    Casting down imaginations, building bridges."

    ^^I was thrown on the first two lines as they rhyme whereas the rest of the piece doesn't and it threw the flow slightly for me. That being said, I really liked these lines, I found them to be very strong.

    "For what does space create,
    But a relapse in our faith?"

    ^^Absolutely beautiful closing lines..hard hitting, powerful and thought provoking..a beautiful way to wrap the piece up!

  • 16 years ago

    by The Prince

    Please may I marry your poetry? My expectations of you are always doubled by the result. You're fantastic.

    'I am buoyancy bottled,
    Folded and swallowed,
    Carried atop the backs of lovers,
    Bowed from the burden of distance,
    And the miscarriage of lasting romance.'

    What I got from this is that you're a happy girl who's bottled up by the world, you can't be yourself because of the weight on your shoulders stops you. You have the potential, but you cant escape your shackles? Your word choice here was flawless.
    'Carried atop the backs of lovers'
    You're the passenger among these happy couples, a third wheel, travelling alone to find solace in somebody. 'Miscarriage' is brilliant, such a shocking word to use here. Romance is beautiful but it dies before it has its chance to blossom. Oh my, that brought a tear to my eye. =/

    'Hope fizzes within fine glass,
    Tear stained, crass, and delicate,
    Wrestling against the currents of wind,
    That trudge their way across the spines,
    Of those lost souls tickled by my absence.'

    Glass relates back to the bottle imagery from before, I liked that. I racked my brains to try to figure out what you were saying in the last three lines there. What I got, was your journey forward, fighting against the winds. The last line added a tone of desolation and hopelessness that was quite striking.

    You refuse to leave them alone? Oh my god, it's everything I try to say but never can, I'm bewildered. Is this to do with refuse to bother their happy state, or you refuse to stop being a passenger on peoples daily business as..lovers? I've probably been wrong through the whole of this comment but, this is what I'm getting from it. :)

    Although I find myself apologising because I simply cannoy comprehend the last half. I really want to =/. What I got was the idea of friendship..and the friendship of others allowing you to realise the potential in yourself. And as I read again and again, it makes sense to me that these friends are those who you are not leaving alone..

    I'm so sorry about this comment haha, I hope you can explain this poem to me. The language is beautiful as always, and if this poem is dealing with personal things in your life, it'd be nice to share them if you're okay with that, it gives us a better insight into you as a person.

    I'm going to read this again and again, because I feel as though I've failed. :(

  • 16 years ago

    by Kelsy

    Good one. :]

    This had a really good flow and created a nice picture.

    The rythm of it was perfect.