Comments : Looking Beyond the Closed Door

  • 16 years ago

    by ghosts in bloom

    Hum, this is intriguing. I'm still not exactly sure who 'she' is yet though. Is she just a person, someone you know, only from a distance, like a shadow? Or are you personifying an emotion, or memory? I grasped both from reading this, so I am unsure exactly what you meant. Perhaps neither of those (: Hahah.

    Anyhow, I quite enjoyed the first stanza. "Crescendo" was a beautiful word to use there, that line and those before brought me into the scene .. I could the see the leaves and hear their massive orchestrated crunch! Enjoyed that part quite a bit.

    The cadence and everything was a bit jumpy, but I think that kind of worked .. this piece read almost just as your thoughts in the moment. The ending is definitely thought provoking, as I said earlier I'm still trying to figure out who you meant 'she' to be. (: It was a fun read, got my mind twitching. Keep it up!