Stay with me Tonight

by blackheartslove   Feb 18, 2009

Music playing
Lights down low
Laying in your arms
Your breath on my cheek
'I love you'
You whisper in my ear
Looking in your eyes
Theres a fire burning bright
My stomachs twisted into knots
My heart races on unsteadily
Skin so soft
Your lips on mine
Burning passion in each kiss
It makes me melt
My head is spinning
The world is fading
Theres only me and you
In each others arms tonight
Every touch feels so right
Im safe with you
And here we are all alone
Closer than we've ever been
Flesh to flesh
Sealed together with a kiss
My world is rocking
Im so confused
My thoughts are all but a silent whisper
Jumbled up and shaken
I love you, I want you
Please dont let this night end
I fall into your eyes
Its like a brand new high
I've finally found my home
So just stay with me tonight


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  • 16 years ago

    by Corinne

    Well done. The shorter lines lend an urgency and passion to the piece.