Love is a miracle
Held in the eyes of the beholder
Love is more than a feeling
It's that inner light that warms the heart
A dance in the stars of the night
However, love cannot truly be explained
It is only something that is realized
Whether it is in the last minute or the first
It is only realized in the eyes of the other
Love is not beauty or a rose
It is always un-matched
Love is a power held inside
A power that rules over all
We do not fall in love
Love falls on us
Love is not in the holding of a hand
Love is when you are standing in the snow
And next to them you are warm
It is not staring at the stars and smiling
Cause you are reminded of them
It is realizing that while staring at the stars
You see their face looking back at you
Love is not falling asleep next to that person
Love is waking up and realizing that
That is the face you want to always wake up to
However, I have found that pain comes with it
And you don't truly know what true love is
Untill it's taken from you
When you have given it your all
And you still lose it
When your stomache twists
And you feel like it's the end
That there is nothing else left to live for
When you finally realize that you truly see what it is
Only then will you know what true love feels like