Sunlight descends over a rambunctious morning
Catholic school girls smear lipstick on when the sisters aren't looking
Pretending to ignore all the male attention
That most of them secretly crave
A young mother scolds her young child
As he tries to tear away from her hand
Carrying bags and sacks full of groceries,
She gives in and lets him go.
A car comes skidding around the corner
Blasting music through the speakers
Running right through a red light
Almost colliding with another vehicle.
A grandmother lays dying
Surrounded by family and friends of all sizes
In the hospital she watched her husband die in
More afraid of holding on than letting go
A gun is pressed to a man's head
In a secluded convenience store
As money is counted out
For the thief running on desperation
In an apartment building in the middle of the night,
A woman lets out a piercing scream
As her once loving husband's fist
Slams into her swollen stomach and she faints
A teenage girl runs as fast as she can
Trying to get away from the group of teenage boys
Who have made chasing her their game for the night
She doesn't want to find out what they'll do to her when they catch up.
The breeze shifts slightly
Carrying papers and hope on the air
Along with a sense of melancholy
That bounces off the sidewalk.
And somewhere somehow someplace tonight
There's nothing to be heard but silence
A place where all the world's troubles
Just sizzle and melt into nothing