
by iLYSSA   Feb 21, 2009

Skipping to conclusions of being in love
seems to always be what I tend to do.
Gotta keep myself in check,
Gotta hold me back from the clouded thoughts.
"Keep grounded" I keep telling myself
so that I don't end up going in too deep.
Have to admit that I do think about you
but I refuse to show that I have an interest.
try to not make eye contact with you
unless you're the one to do it,
unless you're the one to speak to me,
never me, speaking to you.
Trying to make you seem like you're to one to get me,
Never me chasing you.

I tend to jump ahead of myself
using the word love
and feeling symptoms and emotions developed because of you.
Sitting here with a blank expression on my face.
No hint of butterflies, no trace of joy filled smiles you should, could bring.
But all these arrows around me point to you
and something is telling me its you,

So lets end this here
before I analyze this incredibly complex yet simple situation
way too much.
I'll leave some for later use of writings
that I keep hidden from the world
because the people I know cant know of this
for it will ruin my image.
Lets keep this blank expression
and look of uninterest going on
And let's just call this one a typo.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Mikaela DLC

    Very nice.

    it really kind of resembles a love from the past til now. and yeah, stephanie's right about your poem being suspenseful.hehehe

    >>>keep up the good work!


  • 16 years ago

    by Stephanie

    I love that the theme of this poem is like "forbidden love." It's suspensful....