Picture Perfect Fairytale

by Not Enough   Feb 21, 2009

Look at her; picture perfect, just like a dream,
Beautiful little girl, but things are never as they seem
She's all wrapped up in a world of her own fiction
She calls it a fairytale, when it's a drug addiction

She hides her pain with the only approach she knows
A lot of drug use, a fake smile, and a model pose
She enjoys pretending as if her life is Perfect and ideal
So she can act like her hidden pain isn't actually real

In her head it is like a fairytale and everyone plays a roll,
She is the pretty princess, and her daddy is the evil troll
Her daddy is trying to bribe her not to tell her mom
She is unsure where she is going, she hates where she is from

She wants to have true happiness, she wants to start new
Nobody will help her because nobody knows she is blue
She has shut out the world she now cries glass tears
Broken glass surrounds her, things become quite clear

The pain has taken over, she wants everyone to see
But vanity overpowers, and creates a false reality
Beautiful little girl, but things are never as they seem
Still everyone sees a picture perfect dream


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    Excellent write 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash

    Well i must confess this was not what i was expecting, this was well written, the subject was interesting and the poem was well told.
    You kept me interested throughout, all in all very well done.


  • 15 years ago

    by BrokenAngel FallenFiend

    This poem is great. It is real in a sense you can feel. It sums up many people's lives in a few short lines, in a good way. Keep writing, you've got talent.

  • 15 years ago

    by AnCi

    Amazing is the only thing i have to say!! 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Aveena

    Wow i agree it does put a picture in your mind..
    its written very good..
    i know the feeling
    keep it up..
