
by sneha   Feb 22, 2009

Night! night! Mysterious night!
shedding light enough for a fright
over the earth like a shroud
through the window in and out,
like a spirit at play!

Night! night! creepy night!
oh!you rush with ur magic wand
ragged clouds,deep silence,
tender solitude on earth land!
Come and wave your magic wand
stay still like an enchantress chant!

Night! night! dreamy night!
down you dash into my life.
on your wings let me ride.
better not hide
for you will have to bring me back by the tide!


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  • 15 years ago

    by Ravi

    Hi Sneha!
    U have used the words so beautifully.
    It takes one to dreams.
    Very nice.. Keep on.. writing such beautiful poems.

  • 16 years ago

    by AnCi

    Amazing poem =)