by ari Feb 22, 2009
category :
Dark, fantasy /
dark, horror
I don't wanna be me anymore. cut me, lose me, rip me, drop me. out. keep up, keep up. hold on. dear, god, keep my hands clenched around this prescription, and whoever said it was child-safe was wrong. i can slip in and out so easily, cap on cap off and one two three gulp it's down and done and there's nothing your pharmacists and doctors and paramedics can do about it. child safe. drip leak drip three two one gone sliding down your throat and down your chest. they're so wet it's delicious, salty chill in my pores. pearls never meant so much, i'll get you before this is over, god damn romeo. language and poetry became my noose and broke my neck with all the expectations--i needed a chair because i fell too short. too short too small too weak too frail too me. too me. to me. send a kiss to me high up roped up choked up. send a poison to me in then up and out, send your love on a voyage on the highways of my veins, road maps and tributaries, trips of flesh and lips. 60 latitude 100 longitude 74 nautical miles and a couple push pin jumps on this map that could wind around the moon three times. le petit prince will become my playmate and oh together we'll jump, fall, down, and whatever sound bodies make when they hit the ground. we'll make a delicious mess, a frightful mess, and a delightful mess, and it'll be euphoric. calvin klein and shakespeare have nothing on prince and me, me and prince. we're damned and doomed, gone and lost in our collective seas. the earth is floating in a sea, and one day we're all gonna drown. we're all going down one day, but some of us get somersaults and head starts. |