
by NightFlyer   Feb 22, 2009

Stars burning in the vault of the sky
Violet-tinged In my Winter season
Deneb, Betelguese, Vega, Altair and Antares
Twinkling in the purple depths of stellar aeons.

Consecrate my walk neath galactic paths of eternity
Guide my journey in these luminescent moments
Shine your sweet tears, diamonds of the sky
Guide me home, all-knowing lights of paradise
Shine your effulgence through rows of palm leaves
Undulating in the lazy wind.

Cool winds of evening
Lead me to astral reaches, beyond all thought
A universal knowledge
Radiating beyond beckoning horizons of sleep
To the distant, cold waves of the ocean
In opaque depths of unknowing.


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  • 15 years ago

    by NightFlyer

    Thank you for your kind words, Miss Take. Tis true, star gazing has inspired many of my poems. A late night walk inspired this one. That's very neat! Which star was named after you?