Comments : Broken Hope.

  • 16 years ago

    by Mister 47

    If we look closely into life sometimes, we find that life is the most powerful in the deep dark places , and in those places we find the rought and hard beauty. like a pearl it is hard and it is beautifull . and these are the most admirable hopes that can grow .

    your poem , in collabs with my bro TJ , is a very inspiring one. started a scary one . serpents and nightmares, and darkenss all arround , i thought you are descrbling my house^_^.

    a very old chinese man told me ones , man is strange , he will give his best only when he face the worse in his life.

    i hope that fungus grow too into your both lives tj and temps , ^_^ i hope not the dangerous and with posion kind !!^_^


  • 16 years ago


    Wow. I don't even know where to begin, nor do I know if that is from lack of commenting on the site, or because this was so breathtaking. The flow was perfect, as well as the imagery. And that ending..
    Obviously, 5.5

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    This was a really dark and scary poem guys:)
    I am beginning to like these ones. In the beginning they only made me shiver, but now I see the fun you can have in making them.
    I am guessing Temps made the first two and TJ the 3rd and 4th? It was hard to tell, though!

    Well done,


    5/5 Ingrid