Something Like

by donielle   Feb 23, 2009

Something like an angel
from above easy to look at
and amazed by every word
you speak to meeh

something like a movie scene
always have the perfect pitch
or saying at the right moment
and time

something like the sun forever
burning a smile into my heart
and keeping meeh warm and

something like a crush which
is what i have :]........ Forever
blushing when your name
pop up

something like a heart which is
something i really need in meeh

Your Something like all those things
all of them keep meeh going

your someone that i want to be with
for a while...Your Just Something


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  • 15 years ago

    by Miss MakeUp

    I like the continued use of the word something throughout the poem and title it gives the poem a sort of theme. I love it truer words were never spoken. :)

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