Suzi's suicide

by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash   Feb 23, 2009

Suzi's suicide

My sweetest sweetheart lost and gone
You've left me now, I'm all alone
It's been months now since your suicide
I'm left alone, on life's lonely ride

So many hours spent in your company
My friends all laugh when they look at me
They shake their heads and laugh out loud
They say my grief just makes them proud

You blew a hole right through your head
I tried and tried to resuscitate, but you were dead
My heart is broken that's for sure
The love we had was something pure

I wipe these tears with oily hands
I squeeze you tight I'm just a man
Mike just wet himself he laughed so hard
Tony's rolling around in the yard

Your broken pistons on the floor
I don't think I can take anymore
Vernon sits and drinks his beer
He wipes away a compassionate tear

His poor old Honda, blew its head
Died much the same way, now it's dead
We sat and wiped the tears with our shirts
While Mike and Tony howled with mirth

Copyright © 2009 G.M.Gilbert


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  • 15 years ago

    by Shellaine shelli

    Ha ha ha you are so talented!!!!
    lol when i was reading this i was wondering why you had put it under funny poems and didn't quite understand. lol until i got to the end and saw honda... a really clever piece =) well done you did an awesome job =) keep well!!

  • 15 years ago

    by Jim McMillen the man within

    Some how I suspect Suzi still howls through the night and glistens in the sun of each new day on another bike or two .........
    Still slinging her chain lube along the road less traveled . Thanks for the ride Grant , I'll say a little prayer for Suzi, that her tank is always half full as she hungers for more 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Ed or Ian Henderson

    Amen to that. I had one that emptied her guts all over a busy road. A sad loss. Apparently they love their oil.

  • 16 years ago

    by Christopher Wry

    Yes we do get that way about them almost as bad as with our pets. Only we can't dress them up as fine as we can the pets.

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Lmao Grant, but I think you must have pulled the trigger;)

    My brother is a fan of motorcycles too. He bought a Kawasaki 1000cc the day he got his permit and we went away with it many times. It always felt like I was flying when I sat in the back seat, holding on to his waist:)


    5/5 Ingrid

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