One friend short

by Love is a Beautiful Thing   Feb 24, 2009

It feels my best friend has left me,
She has started to ignore...
..All my calls? Whats's this for?

Where have you gone,
Another day shall dawn,

Still no call,
Is this the fall,

It's really not that hard,
Ok, now I deal the card,

Day by day,
We go our own way,

We used to have fun,
But now it's done,

Then I say, so,
Do what you do,....just go,

And if you don't want to be my friend,
Then I'll just say it's the end,

But what you don't see,
Is that you'll never forget me!


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  • 15 years ago

    by AnCi

    Amazing poem! With it you expressed everything that I have botteled up inside right now!

    I agree with the comment above that it feels like the rhymes are forced. I would not advise you that you sit down and think more about the rhymes, but to forget the rhyming and just write from the heart. I think that poems that don't rhyme are just as good as the ones that does. The message and the feelings in the poems are the most important things!

  • 16 years ago

    by LiveLoveLearnDie

    I can understand whewre you are coming from. A great title too!
    Once again I feel your rhymes are forced so I am thinking you should just let your mind think even if it does take 30 mins or longer, it will mean your poem will have more flow and it will also be easier to read. But I still think certain aspects of the poem were really good, you hit all the emotions you feel when losing a friend head on, so good job there.


  • 16 years ago

    by sneha

    Excellent poem.i liked it.5

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This poem expresses the karma of neglecting a friend well

  • 16 years ago

    by Hollymariee

    The over all message of the poem is fantastic , and I really like the title . But , some of the flow is really off , and alot of your rhymes are forced . You need to try and think a little more naturally , because then your writting will flow alot better . 3/5 for this one .

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