Comments : Playing for Keeps

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This is a very deep poem that I can ponder for days
    I enjoyed reading this one
    well done

  • 16 years ago

    by Gasttlee

    "All paths lead to here
    They never lead away
    Stuck at the end of a road that crumbles
    While memories fade to grey"

    These lines are a great start to the poem. It introduces the depth and sadness you captured. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Shinobi

    This is truly an amazing piece. The first stanza gace a good interlude to the whole poem. The whole poem expressed how our world has come to it's end while sinners are having their piece in "heaven" and saints are no longer considered as men of loyalty.
    I liked the rhymes in several stanzas, and the words you chose to express the main idea.
    The last stanza ended the piece very strong and bold: even angels are now trying to help us, the sinners.

    Job well done 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    "Everything is blank and still
    We bake under the absent sun"

    ^^I felt regret in these lines...which is burning inside... loved the last line... wonderful metaphor...

    "Angels fight saints for riches
    Whilst sinners play for keeps "

    ^^ this line somewhat points at our society... it can be interpreted in different ways ... and it really touched me...wonderfully penned...

    beautiful write...

  • Good work

  • 16 years ago

    by Marcus

    This poem is very vivid. It is deep and it has an interesting topic. I love the metaphor and word choice 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by umbra

    You did a great job using imagery in this poem. I could picture these scenes in my mind as I read. It is a humbling look at the entrophy that in the end consumes us all. I especially like the comparisons drawn between the paragons of good and sinners.

  • 16 years ago

    by Hatori

    The fact that you wrote on a unique topic makes this poem a good read and the first stanza was a great way to grab the readers attention. However, the poem itself didn't really grab my full attention. Like it was on the brink of it, but just needs to go that little bit further. So maybe something to add. One thing I did notice was in this stanza:

    "The saints sin themselves
    As sinners roll the dice
    The pictures in your head your only solace
    In a never ending night"

    I think perhaps if you made the third line a bit shorter so it flowed with the rest of the piece, that stanza would be rather charming. Even if you took off "your only solace," but that's for you to decide.

    Overall, the topic was intruiging, but I'd have liked to see more power behind it. Keep it up 4/5


  • 15 years ago

    by Chocolate Addict

    This is an interesting write I like the contrast that you have presented in this poems...between the saints & sinners etc.
    Great Job

  • 13 years ago

    by ganjaru

    The past is your present forever .
    wow this line is a killer!
    well bcuz i can relate, i can say it is true ..
    i love your style too 5/5 .,

  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Really good no words can say how this poem is 5\5 :)