Love No More

by Jordan W   Feb 26, 2009

I wish I loved you
I wish I could say I do
I wish I could say you are the only one who holds my heart
Yet I cannot lie too
My emotions swirling like a strong winter gale
My head spinning like a strong ocean current
My heart pounding like the beat of a drum
I claw at a way to love you
I scrabble at the pieces of this puzzle
I desperately cling to what we have
Knowing full well it is over
I cram them piece by piece into the wrong slots
Feeling with each piece I try to put back in place
I am slowly losing you
You are slipping through my fingers
Like sand through a crack
I wish I could pull these emotions around
I wish I could make this whole mess sound
Yet my heart has turned away
My soul has closed once more
And no longer do I call you my lover
No longer do I call you my shining hope
Now I turn my back in imitation of my heart
I close tight my eyes to shut out the tears
And plug thoroughly my ears
For I cannot stand...
To hear you cry.


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    A well written heartfelt sentiment of love portrayed very nicely, like I stated in another comment, the structure could've been better with some seperation instead of clumped together, perhaps breaking it into stanzas would help.

    Overall a nice write.

    Peace, Joe

  • 16 years ago

    by sophia

    Wow, very powerful!!!