Lust. (Pleiades)

by Courageous Dreamer   Feb 26, 2009

Lucious lips glistening in the sun
Luminous with elegance
Lascivious desires emerge
Luring both souls together
Lightly releasing sexual pleasures
Lingering essence of his cologne
Lies upon her smooth skin

Pleiades - -
Only one word is allowed in the title followed by a single seven-line stanza. The first word in each line begins with the same letter as the title.


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  • 16 years ago

    by BREEawNUHH

    Wowwww! I really like this. It's short, but it lacks nothing. Word choice is beautiful, and it flows wonderfully. I like the form, as well, though I'm certain it's something I would fail miserably at. Haha. Kudos on finding so many good L words. :P


    [thanks for the comment, by the way! :)]

  • 16 years ago

    by The Prince

    This was excellent, I find it really hard to do pleiades. You seem to master every form you write. I loved the sensual language you used here, it'd be really nice to read aloud.

    'Lascivious desires emerge'

    That was fantastic, really nice choice of words here.

    I really enjoyed this, I was gonna pull more bits out but I think it's too short to do that.


  • 16 years ago

    by bekka dollface

    Very fantastic<3
    seems difficult :S
    something im going to try tho (=
    good job!

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Indeed a very beautiful poem, Temps:)

    You used so many beauitful words and manged to mould them into an interesting read!


    5/5 Ingrid

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