Save Me

by KrypticKristen   Feb 27, 2009

Blank, empty, alone
Just the way you left me
In the darkness of the unknown
No one notes my sorrows

True, real, trustworthy, caring
All the kinds of friends I have never had
It is like I am alone in this world
I guess it is a little sad

Lonely, depressed, scared
All the feelings dominating me
I just wish that someone cared
That someone would help me

Love, truth, happiness, friends
All of the things I long for most
They will never understand
For I am only a ghost

Blank, empty, alone,
True, real, trustworthy, caring
Lonely, depressed, scared
Love, truth, happiness, friends

Save me


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  • 16 years ago

    by Liz

    I loved this poem, you did a great job getting your feelings out... i felt like i could relate very well 5/5 -Lizzi