To Sleep

by Corinne   Feb 27, 2009

To Sleep
Copyright Corinne Curcio February 24, 2009

To Sleep
Perchance to Dream
That doesn't seem like
Too much to ask

So deep
And so extreme
One won't waken
But I'm taken to task

Summoned in the middle of the night
By the tormentors in my head
I should ignore them but instead

I rise
Like a ghost on the prowl
I rise
Like a hunting owl
I rise
And run afoul of the law of

To Sleep
How late the hour
What is this power
That shakes me from rest?

I keep
Answering the call
I'm bound to fall
And fail the test

I long to drink from the river Lethe
Forgetting all that's been said
I should ignore it but instead

I rise
Like a thirsty vampire
I rise
Like the flames of a fire
I rise
Even though I tire from lack of


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  • 15 years ago

    by Melissa

    I love how you've written this piece, Corinne! Unfortunately I relate all too well. At least we have our pens to keep us company, if not we'd be sleepy and alone. Very nice ending, too. I really liked the repeat of "I rise". Great write once again. ;o)

  • 16 years ago

    by Nee

    Oh my..
    I can't even express the love I feel for this poem..
    I really loved the idea..I didn't know there might be a poem that's talkin about this hehe..never imagined sleep might be a subject.
    I so loved the parts where you kept repeating I rise..they gave the poem so much strength.

    Write on :)

  • 16 years ago

    by debbylyn

    Great imagery and emotion...I've been an insomniac of sorts since I've been on nights...can so relate

    "I rise
    Like a thirsty vampire
    I rise
    Like the flames of a fire
    I rise
    Even though I tire from lack of
    Sleep "

    ^perfect description of a night shift the vampire insertion!

    Take care, Debbie

  • 16 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    I can definetly relate to a lack of sleep. i love your word choice in this piece. As always an enjoyable read. I especially loved these lines:

    Summoned in the middle of the night
    By the tormentors in my head
    I should ignore them but instead

    Sometimes we have bad dreams or worry and can not go to sleep. I like the reference to tormentors. It can be interpreted a few different ways.

    I rise
    Like a ghost on the prowl
    I rise
    Like a hunting owl
    I rise
    And run afoul of the law of


  • 16 years ago

    by Sylvia

    You nailed insomnia. I use to be like this, could not sleep, prowled around, thinking about all the things going on, worrying about everything. I don't know what has changed but I sleep now most of the night. Good job. 5/5