Someone Over the Rainbow

by Braeden Monks   Feb 27, 2009

It doesnt matter what i do
No one gives a sh*t about you
It doesnt matter what i wear
Cause no one who sees me cares

It doesnt matter what i say
Because i'm just another face
It doesnt matter where i go
Theres no one to meet, no one i know

It doesnt matter what time it is
Question wether or not i exist
It doesnt matter What i've done
Tomorrows a new day, But i'd rather it not come

It doesnt matter who i've seen
What does the graffiti on the bus mean?
Who knows what i should do
But i've run away and now i'd really like to find you

Adventure to nowhere, the stories i could tell
But as A thrill seeker, here i am lonely as hell
I'd like to show what i can do
With a pen in my pocket and hope or two

it's not a choice when it comes to suicide anymore
No. it's not a matter like it was before
It's not a question to me of yes or no
But more of a waiting system. Soon you'll know

Learning to be quiet, quiet as my grave
Beginning to hide, Just fading away
Nightmares of tomorrow, Haunt my every step
Silience is a virtue. Doesn't matter whats left

I don't know where i lost myself
But it has to be somewhere else
Between Toronto and vancouver, I have misplaced
Could you tell that by just looking at my face

Can you strangers on the bus, hear my screams?
Can you people on the street, See my Dreams?
Can the cars whisking past. Feel my pain?
Some how i doubt it. Cause thoughts like that are insane

Nobody is looking for a guy like me
And i'm not either, In all honesty
There's no point in pretending i belong
Luckly for you I only exist in this Poem


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  • 16 years ago

    by isabel

    I really liked this poem... Absolutely sad, yet with an intersting rhythm...

    I'm more into classic poetry, so i would ask myself if it wouldn't sound better without the swearing... although... oddly... it kind of fits... :)

    but i can assure you one thing... feelings like that do exist outside the poems... sadly...

    *keep it up*