Poker face Of Life

by SilentSuicide   Feb 28, 2009

Life for me is like a game of poker
My opponents surround me starring me down.
None of them can be trusted.
I narrow my eyes from there painful gaze.

We all throw a piece of our lives
Into the center of the table
All of us gaze at the prize
Hunger striking our eyes.

I hold our my fate of cards
Analyze them like a situation encountered in life
My lips raise up to one side into a smirk
My fate rests in my poker face.

Have i had them fooled?
Or am i the laugh of the game.
I eyes pierce into each of my opponents eyes
Striking my enemies down.

They watch me.
Lustfully in wait for what i have in store
Each poker face different.
Each one, a different victory.

Life is surrounded by chance.
Each individual sweats up a little.
No one knows what the other has in store.
As a game of poker remains compared to my life.

Everyday i stare down my opponents.
Craving for their piece of life.
Risking everything in my power
Perhaps my own life.

My poker face painted on.
Too fool thousands of faces of my strength
If I'm going to faultier
May i do it with a fight.

The cards are laid down.
My smile grows bigger
I lay mine down
The game is mine.

The chips fly onto my corner.
My opponents stare blankly.
My poker face fools everyone.
In the game of life.


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