Someone asked me this today,
"Do you love your brother?"
And what more could I say
But that he is like any other,
They asked me how much I loved him,
And I almost laughed out loud,
For love isn't measured by how much,
But rather, simply how,
The smile I get when I talk to him,
How we miss each other so,
And typing is how we've known each other
For years now, back and forth,
I can't say I don't miss him,
That is lying through my teeth,
But I think often of the day
When we will finally meet,
There'll be cheeseburgers, I think,
And some great movies to see,
A couple sports games to go to,
With simply him and me,
And everyone will wonder
How we came to be so tight,
How we can read each others' minds and
Somehow live without a fight,
And oh! Today's his birthday,
Well I guess I'll send along
A birthday card, a present,
Maybe dedicate a song?
What can I do to show this boy
That he's my favorite friend,
That he's a loving brother
Who's there until the end,
I cannot wait to see him
And I cannot wait to drive
Over to his little hometown,
Oh, it'll make my life,
But until then, I will write to him
And wish him all the best,
And let him know that his sister
Thinks that he is, for sure, the best.