So much pain youve cause
So many lies youve told
All the hearts youve shattered
All the words youve sold
There is nothing real about you
You told me you wanted me to be the first
Now nothing you said could be true
So now your bubble of lies must burst
Were you lying when you said you quit for me?
Was it a lie that you even quit?
Did you lie when you said youd never forget?
Or how about when you said it was all worth it
Was everything a lie?
Did I even mean anything to you?
Was our 8 years of friendship junk?
I am reaching for something with nothing to grab onto
Was that one summer night nothing?
Was I just a substitution for the one?
Did that kiss have no meaning?
I was nothing when everything was said and done
But I am moving one now
Forgetting everything about you
Putting you completely in the past
With nothing to look forward too