Can't Stop

by SashaMirage   Mar 2, 2009

You are the wind that my wings soar through
can't breathe, can't breathe, can't breathe
take me higher

Vision's blurry, hallucinations brought me here
Can't think, can't think, can't think
of anyone but you

Trying to freeze this moment in time forever
Can't stop, can't stop, can't stop
Loving you

Can't breathe, can't think, can't stop
Can't shake this feeling
of missing you


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  • 15 years ago

    by Krathia

    This is a wonderful piece of work. I love the repetitive second lines; they have this intense feeling to them and its all suddenly released into the softer, shorter third line.

    The only thing I didn't like was how you've combined all three earlier elements into the last stanza, but that's my opinion as a reader. If you feel that its the way it ought to be, don't change it. Two things you should probably change, though: don't forget your punctuation at the end of verses, and if you decide to begin your verses with capitals, stick to it and don't change halfway through a poem.

    Gorgeous job nonetheless!

  • 16 years ago

    by Cara

    I love this piece from you.
    The repetition was really well done, sometimes it can get a bit boring, but this was really well done. You used just enough, in the right way, to make the repetitiveness work in your favour.
    The love and heartache were so strong in your write. It really made me feel it.
    This is a simply worded poem, but the depth is incredible.
    Really well done!

  • 16 years ago

    by Mister 47

    Love , missing are always feelings we can not control.

    we always can shut oour mind of things we dont want to think of but not the things we dont want to feel.

    i understand your feelings,things you spoke now are exactly things i can realte in many things .

    cant stop , cant think , but for me i add , dont want , dont want dotn want,

    eveyrone choose his path in this world , it will be his choice . things we cant do sometimes are soemthing we dont want actualy to do.

    yes i understand that love is something we can not control , no matter how things seem hard, but i ask this , if you dont fight today for the things or the one you love , for who or what will you fight or do more?

    what exactly will be worth more !/?

    great poem congratulations you have my full vote