Hail to our (grand)parents

by Ingrid   Mar 3, 2009

Hail to our (grand)parents

With a knowledge that only comes with living
on this planet for so many years, you guide us
Even though life has brought you so many tears
you keep standing strong throughout the years

How I admire your wisdom, that cannot be found
in any book or manual, or studied at any school
But through the hard lesson of life itself and time
that every soul has to endure to reach its prime

I turn to you whenever I seek proper guidance
in this world so difficult to comprehend at times,
knowing that your answers will always be of use
With solid advice like yours, I can never lose

Hail to you, proud senior citizens of this world
whom I so deeply admire and will always turn to
in a humble fashion, leaving my pride on a shelf
until the day I will become one of you myself


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  • 9 years ago


    This is a nice tribute to grandparents Ingrid, too often they and their wisdom and experience that they can offer us, is speedily forgotten and dismissed, which is folly.
    It's nice that you penned such a testament here to their worth, in so lovely and fitting poetic words.
    A nice write Ingrd.

  • 16 years ago

    by Aureus Argentum

    This is a very nice poem about grandparents. :) Very lovely. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    This was a really great poem, it spoke of a subject that nobody really touches on, on this site. Grandparents are definatly treasures in our lives, and you did a great way of making a nice dedication to those who offer and provide us with advice, and wisdom. Glad to see you expanding your subjects for poems.. stepping outside the box.. that is a good quality to have as a poet.

    Enjoyable write.

  • 16 years ago

    by Sylvia

    I am one now and the discount at restaurants, etc., is worth the wait. lol Seriously, this is a very nice tribute to your grandparents and grandparents all over the world. They do have wisdom is we will only listen to them. 5/5