Give Me A Chance

by Jeri   Jun 11, 2004

Give me a chance
To learn to love
To love to live
To live to leave
To leave when my time comes

Give me a chance
To hate to hear
To hear the hurt
The hurt the hug
The hug will mend

Give me a chance
To ache to argue
To argue to act
To act to abide
To abide the laws I cannot break

Give me a chance
To go to grow
To grow to get
To get the gift
The gift of life

Give me a chance
To care to come
To come to create
To create the curse
The curse that owns me

Give me a chance
To sing to see
To see the sky
The sky that stares
That stares at my mistakes

Give me a chance
To dare to dream
To dream to do
To do the dance
The dance of life

Give me a chance
To mend and make
And make them meet
Them meet the mock
The mock that chases me

Give me a chance
To jump to join
To join to jive
To jive and not jeer
Not jeer at others mistakes

Give me a chance


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  • 20 years ago

    by BaybeBlew

    I liked your poem. It had a really cool structure behind it. It could use a bit of work, but overall i liked it. Hope you'll keep writing, cause i'll keep reading.

    -Blue ^_~