I'd Cry With Joy (Song)

by Italian Stallion   Mar 5, 2009

If I wrote a love song that made you smile
and all the while it's sang with style.
Through all the years that past us by
I'd cry with joy while I looked at the sky.

If I wrote a novel like the ones at the store,
if I had a lover to adore,
if I helped the homeless, and never said good-bye,
I'd cry with joy while I looked at the sky.

Cause I enjoyed life I gave with love.
With open arms I sheltered those
who needed guidance on how to fly.
I am not a perfect person,
but my heart was never shut.
Enjoying life while I looked at the sky
Enjoying life...

Now the world is asking why I give with love,
and my answer comes from above,
from my loved one who never said good-bye,
I'd cry with joy while I looked at the sky.

Cause I loved her, I kept my promise.
Never left her, she's here in my heart
and I helped her when times were rough.
I am not the perfect lover, but my heart just has to sigh.
Loving her while I looked to the sky
Loving her...

Now I wonder how and when
I'll see her once again,
and through all the days and years
that will never change.

I adored him when times were rough,
I adored him and said my prayers,
Though I haven't been the perfect guy.
Well through every season
I shared my tears,
and it's the reason I've come to love.
Adoring him I cried while I looked at the sky
Enjoying life, loving her, adoring him...

*Inspired by the song, "The Second Greatest Thing I've Ever Done" by: David Osmond*

© Copyright 2009 By: Italian Stallion


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  • 16 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    All we can ever be is who we are. If anyone ever expects less of us than to show our emotions of love then they expect poorly of the person. Wonderful emotions portrayed and a good read. Thanks for sharing.

  • Good on expressing how you feel about thing and keep it up

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    You have exceeded my expectations with personal touches that move me
    This I great song of the heart, soul and mind which reflects much love.