Blue Eyes

by Edward Elric   Mar 6, 2009

Blue eyes sparkle in the morning sun
Your slender form like a flower on my bed
Smell like a rose but cold like the dead
Icy fingers on my scars and a heart cut to shreds

Now black eyes absorb the light
Eyes so dark and a heart so bright
Doomed to forever walk the night
And not where blue eyes sparkle

The sun now lights on green eyes
That shine even in the dark
But their light is not warm
Not like that blue spark

My heart can warm itself
But it will always follow the morning sun
Where it sparkles in blue eyes
And remember how it all begun

Blue eyes sparkle in the morning light
You lay against me, cradled in my arms
We need no blanket, we have our love
How foolish of me to resist your charms

The witch from the north weaved the charm
The fool from the south didn't run
Blue eyes to west and east
Love turned to a beast the truth released

No blue eyes to sparkle now
All that's left is a black hole
And the fool will never find the heart
That the blue spark stole


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  • 16 years ago

    by Shinobi

    The whole concept of the poem is amazing. You took the motives of the eyes and turned it to a whole different way of expression.
    The sturcture is an ordinary 4 lines poem.
    The rhyming scheme is not constant, but varient.
    The scheme was so well put that the flow was just amazing! You even put an internal rhyming in the line: "Love turned to a beast the truth released" Beast-Released

    The idea of the poem is what captured my attention. There are warm calming blue eyes, green wild eyes, and black empty eyes. There's is not need for anything for love, and amazing blue eyes. The whole poem is based on a relationship with a girl, love is a major motive in this piece, as it is expressed through many eyes, and therefore through many angles.

    There's nothing I can really say on the fixing part, there's nothing I could find.

    Great job, hope to read your future works. 5/5

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