Georgie-The Vampire Mouse

by Daisy if you do   Mar 6, 2009

Georgie-The Vampire Mouse

Georgie was a vampire mouse
who lives and dines within my house
traveled far from a little prairie
Could eat no cheese, nor any dairy
Entered through my cellar door
Scurried about on the wooden floor
Settled on my parlor chair
Told me of his grand affair

Hoped that I would understand
Things had not gone as planned
Hunger got the best of him
He gave my felines a little trim
Seems that he could not behave
The tails of cats he often craved
He would lob tails off to have a feast
As though some mini vampire beast
The cats are fine and acting well
They just pounce about without a tail

** As a part of my daughters project for school we had to do a collab of a story about an unusual animal. So we figured we would write about a Vampire mouse who was lactose intolerant and only ate kitty kat tails.This is what we came up with and my other children loved it as well. I think we are going to put it in book form and give to my niece for her birthday.


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  • 15 years ago

    by silvertung69

    I dig this poem. I normaly don't read this type of poems but the title cought my eye. vary nice.

  • 15 years ago

    by Christopher Wry

    Poor kiities. Love it good flow and image.

  • 15 years ago

    by Corinne

    LOL! The image of vampire mice is too funny. And the poor tail-less cats! Since your Southern, I can hear the rhyme of "well" and tail" :-D

  • 15 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    What great imagination! Wonderful that you got to do this with your daughter. I bet she was tickled! I am sure your niece will like it, it is cute and funny! Great rhythm and rhyme too :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Faithless

    This poem is funny & cute at the same time...Its was really enjoyable to read. and the flow was amazing. keep me laughing

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