Comments : Her Wrinkles

  • 15 years ago

    by Beautiful Chaos

    While I like the basis of your write and the way you draw us in and tell us about her life, the flow needs a bit of work for me, it seems very stiff. Removing some of the filler would help, watch your syllable count.

    Overall it was a nice heartfelt write.

  • 15 years ago

    by Nee

    I loved the idea of the poem.
    At first I thought you'd be talking about the death of your grandma, but then again you had a good idea in mind.
    Thing is...your vocabulary went a bit needed to strengthen it more, the wording could've been better than this.
    Same thing goes to your rhyme..your rhyming words had nothing new.
    Let me tell you something..try not to follow the same specific rhyming words..I mean you can say "heart" and "dark" and they would still rhyme..I know it would not be a full rhyme..but sometimes you need to use the half rhyme to make some difference in the piece.

    As for me, a reader..I wanted to see something new in the rhyme.
    But as for you, the writer..the half rhyme would make you feel that you're writing for the sake of expressing the inner you, not for just writing words for the poem.

    But again I love the concept of the piece =)
    Keep it up !

  • 15 years ago

    by ReBecca

    I got chills. Very beautiful. Flow and rhyming were perfect. Content was touching. I enjoyed reading this.